Tag: #homesandrentalsrichmondtx

Italian style burgers

Makes 4 patties


  • 1 lb beef or turkey
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup of Italian style bread crumbs
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • 2 tbsp tomato pesto (or sun-dried tomato pesto)
  • 1 cup grated cheese (I’ve used parmesan, provolone, mozzarella or a combination of these)
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 buns
  • 1 tomato sliced
  • 1 small red onion sliced
  • Green leaf lettuce or arugula
  • Pesto or basil leaves (optional)
  • 4 cheese slices – Mozzarella or provolone


Mix ground meat with egg, bread crumbs, garlic salt, tomato pesto, grated cheese and black pepper. Mix well and found 4 patties. Heat a sauce pan with olive oil, place patties in pan and cook for 5 minutes on each side or until done to taste. Add sliced cheese and cook until melted. Toast buns, add condiments as desired. Enjoy!


  1. This same mixture can be turned into a meatloaf. Mix the same ingredients and top with a 1 cup of ketchup or tomato sauce. Place in greased loaf pan. Cook for 30 mins or until done. Serve with parmesan potatoes!
  2. This same mixture makes amazing meatballs. Mix the same ingredients and form 16 small meatballs. Brown the meat balls in olive oil and add your favorite spaghetti sauce.



Cómo aumentar el valor de su hogar para vender


Cómo aumentar el valor de su hogar para vender

Ya sea que ponga su casa en el mercado este año o en los próximos cinco años, es una decisión inteligente comenzar a construir el valor de su casa ahora. Estas son algunas formas de crear un hogar cómodo y, al mismo tiempo, facilitar el ingreso de más dinero en su cuenta bancaria el día del cierre.

Pequeñas reparaciones y mantenimiento.

Si piensa que el mantenimiento del hogar los fines de semana pierde su tiempo y energía, piénselo nuevamente. Las pequeñas tareas que realiza en su hogar evitan que pierda valor. Si se descuida el mantenimiento y las reparaciones pequeñas, el 10% del valor de su hogar saldrá de su puerta. La mayoría de los tasadores afirman que las casas que muestran poco o ningún mantenimiento preventivo pueden depreciarse de $ 15,000 a $ 20,000.

Un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Universidad de Connecticut y la Universidad de Syracuse muestra que el mantenimiento regular aumenta el valor de su hogar en aproximadamente un 1% por año. Sin embargo, los costos continuos de mantenimiento compensan ese valor, lo que significa que el mantenimiento regular en realidad reduce la tasa de depreciación. Además, debido a que los compradores de vivienda generalmente notan las reparaciones necesarias al comprar una casa nueva, el mantenimiento proactivo le permite al comprador saber que no tendrá que gastar dinero extra para mantener lo básico. Esto hace que su hogar sea más atractivo y, por lo tanto, es más probable que obtenga ofertas a precios más altos.

Mantener lo básico puede costarle poco dinero y, ciertamente, algo de esfuerzo, pero hay una manera de realizar esta importante actividad de manera inteligente. Este artículo de HouseLogic, por ejemplo, le muestra cómo mantener el mantenimiento del hogar por debajo de los $ 300 al año. Planear con anticipación también ayudará a facilitar el mantenimiento de su hogar. La mayoría de los tasadores profesionales y agentes de bienes raíces recomiendan un programa de mantenimiento proactivo que incluya:

  • Mantener suficiente efectivo a la mano para reemplazar sistemas y materiales.
  • Creación y seguimiento de un programa de mantenimiento.
  • Planificación de una habitación rehacer cada año.
  • Manteniendo un cuaderno de todos sus mantenimientos y reparaciones.
  • Paisajismo

La Extensión Cooperativa de Virginia en Virginia Tech publicó un estudio que muestra que el paisajismo puede aumentar el valor de una casa en un 15%. El estudio afirma que una casa valorada en $ 150,000 podría aumentar su valor entre $ 8,300 y $ 19,000 con la adición de paisajismo. Elementos particulares del paisaje añaden valor diferente. Por ejemplo, el diseño del paisaje puede aumentar el valor de su hogar en un 42%, el tamaño de la planta puede aumentar el valor de su hogar en un 32% y la diversidad de plantas puede aumentar el valor de su hogar en un 22%.

Reemplazar puertas de entrada

Si las puertas de entrada son de madera, considere cambiarlas por puertas de fibra de vidrio o de acero. Las puertas de acero agregan estilo e interés arquitectónico a su hogar al tiempo que mejoran la seguridad; puede agregar un cerrojo y teclados electrónicos para evitar la entrada de intrusos. A diferencia de las puertas de madera, las puertas de acero no se pudren ni se astillan.

Alternativamente, las puertas de fibra de vidrio se pueden diseñar para que se parezcan a las puertas de madera y le den a su hogar un aspecto moderno. Las puertas de fibra de vidrio conservan más energía que las puertas de acero.

En lo que respecta al precio, una puerta de acero le costará $ 1,335 con un 91% de retorno de la inversión, mientras que una puerta de fibra de vidrio le costará $ 3,126 con un 82.3% de retorno de la inversión.

Reemplazo de la puerta del garaje

Al principio, es posible que no piense que la puerta de su garaje aumenta el valor de su hogar. Sin embargo, la puerta de su garaje distingue su hogar de los otros hogares en su bloque. Como la entrada más grande de una casa, las puertas de los garajes se notan primero porque son el punto focal de su casa. Si desea aumentar rápidamente el valor de reventa de su hogar, necesita aprovechar al máximo este espacio.

Algunas cosas interesantes que se hacen con puertas de garaje incluyen:

  • Mayor tamaño: las puertas de garaje más grandes ayudan a que las casas se destaquen más, y los propietarios de viviendas pueden hacer más creativamente con ellas.
  • Colores audaces: los colores brillantes y audaces ahora pueden complementar el color de su hogar, o puede crear un concepto alrededor del color de su hogar.
  • Faux Wood: puede instalar puertas de garaje de fibra de vidrio o acero que parecen puertas de garaje de madera. Esto le da a su hogar un nuevo nivel de sofisticación.
  • Ventanas: las ventanas grandes en la puerta de su garaje mejoran la estética de su hogar y brindan luz en su garaje para que ya no sea un espacio oscuro.

Más importante aún, un reemplazo de la puerta del garaje le costará $ 1,652 y agregará $ 1,512 al valor de su hogar; Eso es un retorno de su inversión de 91.5%.

Aislamiento de fibra de vidrio en el ático

Si bien la eficiencia energética aún no es el punto de venta más atractivo de su hogar, la instalación de aislamiento de fibra de vidrio en el ático ahorra energía y le proporciona una gran recompensa a su inversión. Según el informe de tendencias principales Costo vs. Valor de Remodeling Magazine de 2016, el aislamiento de fibra de vidrio del ático obtuvo el mayor retorno de la inversión entre los 30 proyectos del informe de este año. Usando Remodel / Max como la fuente de costos, un proyecto de aislamiento de fibra de vidrio para áticos cuesta $ 1,268 en todo el país. Los profesionales inmobiliarios encuestados estimaron que el trabajo aumentaría el precio de una casa en reventa, dentro del año de su finalización, en $ 1,482. Eso es un 116.9% de retorno sobre la inversión.

Reemplazo de Windows

Reemplazar sus ventanas es otra forma de ahorrar energía y aumentar el valor de reventa de su hogar. Reemplazar sus viejas ventanas con modelos de ahorro de energía embellecerá su hogar, lo mantendrá cómodo y facilitará la carga de trabajo de su sistema de HVAC. Según HGTV, verá una reducción en su factura de servicios públicos entre un 7% y un 15%. Sin embargo, si está vendiendo su casa, podría esperar una recuperación de su inversión del 60% al 70%. Los dos tipos de ventanas de reemplazo que traen el mejor retorno son vinilo y madera.

Remodelando tu cocina

La remodelación de la cocina puede ser costosa, pero las pequeñas renovaciones pueden hacer que su hogar sea más fácil para el comprador. Cambiar la textura y el color de su cocina con un acabado mate y colores neutros como masilla o gris mejora el valor de reventa de su hogar. Debido a que los acabados mate tienen cualidades de transición, su potencial comprador de casa puede igualar fácilmente sus electrodomésticos de acero inoxidable o blanco y negro. Además, el reacabado de gabinetes o el cambio a los electrodomésticos Energy Star ™ brindan la comodidad que usted desea y el gusto de los compradores.

El flujo es importante para cualquier diseño interior de una casa. Si sientes que tu cocina dificulta un buen flujo, cámbiala. Una pequeña inversión para derribar un muro no estructural o remover una isla de cocina crea espacio y proporciona el flujo que los compradores adoran.

Una remodelación de la cocina de menor importancia puede costarle $ 20,122 mientras que pone $ 16,716 de valor de reventa en su hogar; eso es un 83% de devolución en el proyecto. Si desea hacer un modelo de cocina importante, esto le puede costar alrededor de $ 60,000 y poner alrededor de $ 39,000 de valor de reventa en su hogar, lo que representa solo un 65% de reembolso en el proyecto. Por lo tanto, considere una remodelación de cocina menor primero.

Adición o remodelación de baños

Asimismo, considere cuidadosamente agregar un baño o remodelar su baño. Cambiar las puertas de la ducha de vidrio esmerilado por puertas de vidrio, limpiar la lechada, reemplazar la ducha y los azulejos del piso, cambiar el fregadero o el inodoro o reemplazar los accesorios del lavabo y la ducha puede costarle poco dinero.

Agregar un baño puede ser costoso, pero puede reducir la congestión durante los tiempos agitados y proporcionar a sus invitados un baño. Consulte con su agente de bienes raíces o con un tasador local antes de decidir si una remodelación completa o una adición es adecuada para su situación. Mientras que la remodelación de un baño le costará alrededor de $ 18,000 con un retorno de la inversión de aproximadamente el 66%, la adición de un baño le costará aproximadamente $ 42,000 con un retorno de la inversión de aproximadamente el 56%. Por lo tanto, es mejor hacer su diligencia debida antes de trabajar en su baño.

Sus necesidades y deseos de los compradores

En esa nota, si necesita renovar su casa, asegúrese de considerar cómo esos cambios afectarán su atractivo para los futuros compradores. Conocer las tendencias de diseño le dará la oportunidad de realizar cambios en su hogar en función de dónde se intersectan sus necesidades y los deseos de su comprador potencial, lo que aumentará drásticamente el valor de reventa de su propiedad.

Los diseñadores y los sitios web de diseño ofrecen excelentes ideas cuando está realizando una lluvia de ideas sobre las renovaciones en el hogar. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta al investigar, que no desea sacrificar sus necesidades por un hogar cómodo solo por lo que cree que querrá un futuro comprador.

Por lo tanto, antes de comenzar a realizar cambios en su hogar, consulte a su agente de bienes raíces. Los agentes de bienes raíces, ya que trabajamos constantemente con nuevos clientes compradores, tenemos información privilegiada sobre lo que los compradores de viviendas están buscando ahora y en el futuro. Podremos ayudarlo a tomar decisiones inteligentes al remodelar o renovar su hogar.

Si piensa que puede querer remodelar o renovar su casa en un futuro próximo, o si simplemente tiene curiosidad acerca de otras formas en que puede aumentar su valor de reventa, comuníquese conmigo.

The Home Buyer’s Guide to Getting Mortgage Ready

The Home Buyer’s Guide to Getting Mortgage Ready

Don’t wait until you’re ready to move to start preparing financially to buy a home.

If you’re like the vast majority of home buyers, you will choose to finance your purchase with a mortgage loan. By preparing in advance, you can avoid the common delays and roadblocks many buyers face when applying for a mortgage.

The requirements to secure a mortgage may seem overwhelming, especially if you’re a first-time buyer. But we’ve outlined three simple steps to get you started on your path to homeownership.

Even if you’re a current homeowner, it’s a good idea to prepare in advance so you don’t encounter any surprises along the way. Lending requirements have become more rigorous in recent years, and changes to your credit history, debt levels, job type and other factors could impact your chances of approval.

It’s never too early to start preparing to buy a home. Follow these three steps to begin laying the foundation for your future home purchase today!



Your credit score is one of the first things a lender will check to see if you qualify for a loan. It’s a good idea to review your credit report and score yourself before you’re ready to apply for a mortgage. If you have a low score, you will need time to raise it. And sometimes fraudulent activity or erroneous information will appear on your report, which can take months to correct.

The credit score most lenders use is your FICO score, a weighted score developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation that takes into account your payment history (35%), amounts owed (30%), length of credit history (15%), new credit (10%), and credit mix (10%).1

Source: myFico.com

Base FICO scores range from 300 to 850. A higher FICO score will help you qualify for a lower mortgage interest rate, which will save you money.2

By federal law, you are entitled to one free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and Transunion). Request your free credit report at https://www.annualcreditreport.com.


Minimum Score Requirements

To qualify for the lowest interest rates available, you will usually need a FICO score of 760 or higher. Most lenders require a score of at least 620 to qualify for a conventional mortgage.3

If your FICO score is less than 620, you may be able to qualify for a non-conventional mortgage. However, you should expect to pay higher interest rates and fees. For example, you may be able to secure an FHA loan (one issued by a private lender but insured by the Federal Housing Administration) with a credit score as low as 580 if you can make a 3.5 percent down payment. And FHA loans are available to applicants with credit scores as low as 500 with a 10 percent down payment.4


Increase Your Credit Score

There’s no quick fix for a low credit score, but the following steps will help you increase it over time.5


  1. Make Payments on Time

At 35 percent, your payment history accounts for the largest portion of your credit score. Therefore, it’s crucial to get caught up on any late payments and make all of your future payments on time.

If you have trouble remembering to pay your bills on time, set up payment reminders through your online banking platform, a free money management tool like Mint, or an app like BillMinder.


  1. Avoid Applying for New Credit You Don’t Need

New accounts will lower your average account age, which could negatively impact your length of credit history. Also, each time you apply for credit, it can result in a small decrease in your credit score.

The exception to this rule? If you don’t have any credit cards—or any credit accounts at all—you should open an account to establish a credit history. Just be sure to use it responsibly and pay it off in full each month.

If you need to shop for a new credit account, for example, a car loan, be sure to complete your loan applications within a short period of time. FICO attempts to distinguish between a search for a single loan and applications to open several new lines of credit by the window of time during which inquiries occur.


  1. Pay Down Credit Cards

When you pay off your credit cards and other revolving credit, you lower your amounts owed, or credit utilization ratio (ratio of account balances to credit limits). Some experts recommend starting with your highest-interest debt and paying it off first. Others suggest paying off your lowest balance first and then rolling that payment into your next-lowest balance to create momentum.

Whichever method you choose, the first step is to make a list of all of your credit card balances and then start tackling them one by one. Make the minimum payments on all of your cards except one. Pay as much as possible on that card until it’s paid in full, then cross it off your list and move on to the next card.


Debt Interest Rate Total Payoff Minimum Payment
Credit Card 1 12.5% $460 $18.40
Credit Card 2 18.9% $1,012 $40.48
Credit Card 3 3.11% $6,300 $252


  1. Avoid Closing Old Accounts

Closing an old account will not remove it from your credit report. In fact, it can hurt your score, as it can raise your credit utilization ratio—since you’ll have less available credit—and decrease your average length of credit history.

Similarly, paying off a collection account will not remove it from your report. It remains on your credit report for seven years, however, the negative impact on your score will decrease over time.


  1. Correct Errors on Your Report

Mistakes or fraudulent activity can negatively impact your credit score. That’s why it’s a good idea to check your credit report at least once per year. The Federal Trade Commission has instructions on their websitefor disputing errors on your report.

While it may seem like a lot of effort to raise your credit score, your hard work will pay off in the long run. Not only will it help you qualify for a mortgage, a high credit score can help you secure a lower interest rate on car loans and credit cards, as well. You may even qualify for lower rates on insurance premiums.6



The next step in preparing for your home purchase is to save up for a down payment and closing costs.


Down Payment

When you purchase a home, you typically pay for a portion of it in cash (down payment) and take out a loan to cover the remaining balance (mortgage).

Many first-time buyers wonder: How much do I need to save for a down payment?The answer is … it depends.

Generally speaking, the higher your down payment, the more money you will save on interest and fees. For example, you will qualify for a lower interest rate and avoid paying for mortgage insurance if your down payment is at least 20 percent of the property’s purchase price. But what if you can’t afford to put down 20 percent?

On a conventional loan, you will be required to purchase private mortgage insurance (PMI) if your down payment is less than 20 percent. PMI is insurance that compensates your lender if you default on your loan.7

PMI will cost you between 0.3 to 1.5 percent of the overall mortgage amount each year.8So, on a $100,000 loan, you can expect to pay between $300 and $1500 per year for PMI until your mortgage balance falls below 80 percent of the appraised value.9For a conventional mortgage withPMI, most lenders will accept a minimum down payment of five percent of the purchase price.7

If a five-percent down payment is still too high, an FHA-insured loan may be an option for you. Because they are guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration, FHA loans only require a 3.5 percent down payment if your credit score is 580 or higher.7

The downside of getting an FHA loan? You’ll be required to pay an upfront mortgage insurance premium (MIP) of 1.75 percent of the total loan amount, as well as an annual MIP of between 0.80 and 1.05 percent of your loan balance on a 30-year note. There are also certain limitations on the types of loans and properties that qualify.10

There are a variety of other government-sponsored programs created to assist home buyers, as well. For example, veterans and current members of the Armed Forces may qualify for a VA-backed loan requiring a $0 down payment.7Consult a mortgage lender about what options are available to you.


Conventional Loan 20% Qualify for the best rates and no mortgage insurance required
Conventional Loan 5% Must purchase private mortgage insurance costing 0.3 – 1.5% of mortgage annually
FHA Loan 3.5% Upfront mortgage insurance premium of 1.75% of loan amount and annual fee of 0.8 – 1.05%


Current Homeowners

If you’re a current homeowner, you may have equity in your home that you can use toward your down payment on a new home. We can help you estimate your expected return after you sell your current home and pay back your existing mortgage. Contact us for a free evaluation!


Closing Costs

Closing costs should also be factored into your savings plan. These may include loan origination fees, discount points, appraisal fees, title searches, title insurance, surveys and other fees associated with the purchase of your home. Closing costs vary but typically range between two to five percent of the purchase price.11

If you don’t have the funds to pay these outright at closing, you can often add them to your mortgage balance and pay them over time. However, this means you’ll have a higher monthly payment and pay more over the long term because you’ll pay interest on the fees.



Once you have the required credit score, savings for a down payment and a list of all your outstanding debt obligations via your credit report, you can assess whether you are ready and able to purchase a home.

It’s important to have a sense of how much you can reasonably afford—and how much you’ll be able to borrow—to see if homeownership is within reach.

Your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is one of the main factors mortgage companies use to determine how much they are willing to lend you, and it can help you gauge whether or not your home purchasing goals are realistic given your current financial situation.

Your DTI ratio is essentially a comparison of your housing expenses and other debt versus your income. There are two different DTI ratios that lenders consider:


Front-End Ratio

Also called the housing ratio, this is the percentage of your income that would go toward housing expenses each month, including your mortgage payment, private mortgage insurance, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance and association dues.12

To calculate your front-end DTI ratio, a lender will add up your expected housing expenses and divide it by your gross monthly income (income before taxes). The maximum front-end DTI ratio for most mortgages is 28 percent. For an FHA-backed loan, this ratio must not exceed 31 percent.13


Back-End Ratio

The back-end ratio takes into account all of your monthly debt obligations: your expected housing expenses PLUS credit card bills, car payments, child support or alimony, student loans and any other debt that shows up on your credit report.12

To calculate your back-end ratio, a lender will tabulate your expected housing expenses and other monthly debt payments and divide it by your gross monthly income (income before taxes). The maximum back-end DTI ratio for most mortgages is 36 percent. For an FHA-backed loan, this ratio must not exceed 41 percent.13


Home Affordability Calculator

To get a sense of how much home you can afford, visit the National Association of Realtors’ free Home Affordability Calculator at https://www.realtor.com/mortgage/tools/affordability-calculator.

This handy tool will help you determine your home purchasing power depending on your location, annual income, monthly debt and down payment. It also offers a monthly mortgage breakdown that projects what you would pay each month in principal and interest, property taxes, and home insurance.

The Home Affordability Calculator defaults to a back-end DTI ratio of 36 percent. If the monthly cost estimate at that ratio is significantly higher than what you’re currently paying for housing, you need to consider whether or not you can make up the difference each month in your budget.

If not, you may want to lower your target purchase price to a more conservative DTI ratio. The tool enables you to scroll through higher and lower price points to see the impact on your monthly payments so you can identify your ideal price point.

(Note: This tool only provides an estimate of your purchasing power. You will need to secure pre-approval from a mortgage lender to know your true mortgage approval amount and monthly payment projections.)


Can I Afford to Buy My Dream Home?

Once you have a sense of your purchasing power, it’s time to find out which neighborhoods and types of homes you can afford. The best way to determine this is to contact a licensed real estate agent. We help homeowners like you every day and can send you a comprehensive list of homes within your budget that meet your specific needs.

If there are homes within your price range and target neighborhoods that meet your criteria—congratulations! It’s time to begin your home search.

If not, you may need to continue saving up for a larger down payment … or adjust your search parameters to find homes that do fit within your budget. We can help you determine the right course for you.



It’s never too early to start preparing financially for a home purchase. These three steps will set you on the path toward homeownership … and a secure financial future!

And if you are ready to buy now but don’t have a perfect credit score or a big down payment, don’t get discouraged. There are resources and options available that might make it possible for you to buy a home sooner than you think. We can help.

Want to find out if you’re ready to buy a house? Give us a call! We’ll help you review your options, connect you with one of our trusted mortgage lenders, and help you determine the ideal time to begin your new home search.

The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to be financial advice. Consult a financial professional for advice regarding your individual needs.



  1. Quicken Loans Blog – 
  2. myFICO – 
  3. Bankrate – 
  4. Bankrate – 
  5. myFICO – 
  6. The Balance – 
  7. Bankrate – 
  8. Bankrate – 
  9. Bankrate – 
  10. The Balance – 
  11. Investopedia – 
  12. Bankrate – 
  13. The Lenders Network – 

Seek better representation

Imagine you need to sell a car. Normally you would have the car detailed to make sure it shines. A clean, shiny, well kept car will appeal to the most buyers and get you the most amount of money. Most buyers will not seek out a dirty, beat up car, unless is cheap.

The same goes for selling a home. In fact, a home is a much larger sale so why not take the time to make it shiny.

Most people now a days have the attention span of a gnat (as do I). We only have one opportunity to make a good first impression.

Most buyers will research homes and areas online before they even consider reaching out to an REALTOR®. Property pictures are EVERYTHING. If your home does not show well in pictures you will not get the traffic you deserve.

You want to appeal to the most number of buyers. Stage your home to appeal to the masses. This will give you the best chance to get the most out of your investment. Your home is an INVESTMENT. It’s probably the largest investment you will make in your life.

When we represent a client in selling a property, it is our job to make sure that the property is marketed in a favorable manner. It is our job to tell you to declutter, clean, and freshen up the property. We know what buyers are looking for. We hear their complaints every day. Our critiques aren’t personal. We do not sell homes the same way we live in them. We want to you make as much money as possible. You make money, we make money. It’s that simple

As a future seller, do your research and make sure your listing agent will present your property in the best light. Look at their previous listings and see if you find them appealing. Does the agent focus on the homes best attributes? Are the pictures clear? Is the home clean and decluttered.

Sometimes the best way to explain the importance of our roles is to show them in pictures! Let the fun begin…

Please note that these are all listing pictures. None are from the Houston area (don’t want too step on any toes). They are all from different price points. I have seen multimillion dollar homes that are represented in this same manner.

First, declutter and clean. Most buyers when sent photos like this will not even want to tour the property. Would you?

Buyers will assume you have no storage if your counters are covered in stuff
This kitchen is small enough. Take out the table and bike!
I can’t even focus on the room. All I can look at is the personal items. Curtains on the main door?
Too much! Can you put away the trash can? Can you even open the frig door?
Can you even see the built in shelves?


















































Lighting focus and angles – Dark photo are the death of a listing. Add blurry to that and why would a buyer keep looking?

This room seems to be freshly painted and it has nice floors but the lighting and the random grocery bag is distracting
This is the way it was uploaded…blurry
What are we selling here? The back splash? This is one of two pictures that represent the kitchen. Neither one shows the entire kitchen
Is this the best way to represent a half bath? This is where wide angle lenses come in
Oh, a blurry brick wall! yay
Can you not fit in the entire home in the pic? How about straightening the camera?
It only takes a sec to straighten up the camera
Nope, it’s not a foggy day. Just a blurry pic
What are we selling? the couch?
Blurry seems to be an ongoing issue but there is much more wrong with this image.
Why? what are we really showing? Shampoos and toilet paper?
Is this the master? Who knows?
Nope, I did not upload this pic upside down. That’s the way it’s listed.
Can I fit in this laundry room?































































































































































Main picture, first impression – We have the ability to organize the pics as we wish. Ideally you want to post the best pic first. This picture will either tempt the buyers to open the listing and learn more or they will simply swipe past it. 


This home has an amazing view. Could you walk out a little further to capture the actual view?











What house?









If this is going to be your main picture could you be bothered to move the box?

















Maybe consider moving the cars? What are we selling here?











Does this pic best represent the home? Dirty walls?











Virtual staging has come a long way but when it looks like this it’s probably better to leave the room empty








no comment










We can’t force a seller to clean and declutter but we can stress the importance and set expectations. I know that money is sometimes a factor. You can’t do repairs if you don’t have the funds. That said,  cleaning and decluttering is free. No excuses.

A listing agreement is a partnership with the same goal: to sell for the most money. The seller does their part (clean, declutter, make repairs, etc) and we will do my part. We will stage the home to spotlight the home’s best features and order professional picture. Professional pictures are absolutely necessary.

This partnership will only work if we both do our part. We too are making a investment of time and money to make your home shine.

If you have any questions or would like a complimentary staging consultation please feel free to contact us at the following number.

Ali Palacios

Happy Clients Realty Group

Mobile – 832-418-0670


For example of great listing pics click here


Let’s grow together

Thank you for your support, trust and referrals. I would not be where I’m at without your help. You helped me grow, I will help you grow!

I’d like to offer you my support in promoting your business. Do you have a small business and/or hobby you’d like to promote. I will list your business on my facebook page, website and offer your services to other clients.

Tell me more about you and your business. I’d love to help.


Am I the best agent for you?

I’ll be beyond honored to help you buy or sell a home!

As long as I’m the best agent for you…which I probably am, since I have the guts to even say that.

Most agents get so excited when someone even breathes the words buy or sell (or even just breathes), that they cram people in their car to go see homes, or push you to list your house on the spot.

It’s like going in for a kiss when you’re asking someone out on a date…let alone on the first date!

I prefer setting a date…just to chat and get to know each other.

Hopefully we are as good of a match as I feel like we’ll be!

So, for now, let’s just set up a good time to chat and get a feel for what you want and need in an agent. This will help me get a feel for who I’m agreeing to go steady with…before we put a ring on the relationship.

I’m here when you are ready


To sign or not to sign…

Why to real agents ask you to sign a buyer representation agreement?

In Texas all real estate agents represent the seller unless we have a buyer’s representation agreement with the buyer. What does that mean? It means that legally we are obligated to look out for the seller’s best interest unless we are contractually linked to the buyer.

But here’s the deal. (And the “deal” is as lopsided as a table with a short leg…)

You get to sign this agreement and cancel at any time if you aren’t happy with me.

Think about that—I literally have to make sure you’re happy throughout this entire process, or you can just cancel this contract. No strings attached. No cost to you.

Don’t get me wrong…I do this willingly.

I do it because it keeps me on my toes and ensures that I’m always doing the best job possible for my clients.

Just do me a favor…

If at any point you aren’t happy, give me a heads up, and a chance to make things right. I’m here when you are ready 🙂


In defense of a real estate agent

Real estates agents get a very bad rap. We are right there with car salesmen.

I feel the rejection as soon as I greet an open house guest. I’m just trying to tell you more about the house! I promise that it’s not a sale pitch…You can’t force someone to love the home. It seems like a few bad apples in a group will give the entire group a bad reputation.

No one likes a pushy salesmen. I personally don’t like it. I feel a sales pitch coming my way and I RUN. I understand. In defense of my peeps, most real estate agents love what they do and truly have your best interest in mind.

I get asked a lot why real estate? This question is usually followed by pursed lips. ugh.

I absolutely love what I do. Let me tell you why:

  1. I feel like I make a difference in someones life. I’m there when someone purchases their first home; I’m there when the same family needs more space for their growing family; I’m there when the kids have left and they have an empty nest.
  2. Real estate is so much more than buying and selling a home. Typically when someone needs to buy or sell, there is an issue. Every issue is unique and every solution is unique. I’m present to console a surviving spouse or a divorcee during a trying time. I have helped many out of a financial burden when the mortgage payment is overwhelming. Not every situation is happy but I’m still there for my clients.
  3. I love working with buyers that are not qualified for a loan. With a few changes most people can qualify for a loan within a few months. Guiding someone through credit repair, down payment assistance programs and overall mortgage education can make their dream for home ownership a reality.
  4. I love to educate. Buying and selling a home is complicated. I want my clients to understand the process and not feel lost. I love collaborating with my clients to obtain their ultimate goal.
  5. I love building new friendships. I can honestly say that if it was up to me, I’d be BFFs with all my clients. I love to stay in touch and see how our lives unfold. The beauty of this profession is that I can work with those I want to work with. I refuse to work with as&$%les.
  6. We all strive for that work/life balance. This profession gives me flexibly. Because I love what I do, I find myself working all the time. If it doesn’t feel like work, you tend to over do it. That said, when I need to I can turn it off and enjoy life.

This career is not for all. We invest many many many hours with our clients. Don’t believe what you see on TV. Shocker! Reality TV is not reality.

A good agent is compassionate and patient.

So next time an agent approaches you, don’t run in the other direction. Give them a chance and get to know the agent, more than likely they will become your new BFF. 🙂


Are you a tenant whose home is facing foreclosure?

Are you a tenant whose home is facing foreclosure? You have rights.

Please note that I am not an attorney and you should consult with an attorney. In the mean time here are some resources.

TENANT RIGHTS UNDER TEXAS LAW. Under Texas law, certain tenants may be entitled to at least 30 days written notice to vacate or may have the right to remain in the property. For more information on these rights, you may view §24.005(b), Property Code

RESOURCES FOR MORE INFORMATION. In the event you need further information, you should seek the counsel of an attorney or visit one of the websites listed below.

Texas Association of REALTORS®: www.TexasRealEstate.com

Texas Low Income Housing Information Service: www.TexasHousing.org

Texas Tenants Union: www.txtenants.org

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas: www.lanwt.org

Texas Rio Grand Legal Aid: www.trla.org

Lone Star Legal Aid: www.lonestarlegal.org

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Consumer Help Center: http://www.ffiec.gov/consumercente

Don’t spend $1.00 on this before you list your home…

Don’t do any home improvements. Don’t renovate. Don’t spend one cent on improving your home before you list your house for sale…

…at least not until you speak with me.

Too often, homeowners feel compelled to spruce up their home before putting it on the market. At face value, that makes sense. You want it to show as nicely as possible. And, it seems to make sense that if you improve the home, it will also improve the value.

However, many of the things homeowners spend money on do not raise the value as much as the cost of the project they completed.

The way I see it, my job is to make sure my clients net as much money as possible on the sale of their home.

And while that certainly entails getting a buyer to pay as much as we can for it, my job begins well before that…

Netting as much as possible is as much about not losing or wasting money, as it is getting as much money for your house as possible.

For instance, if someone spends even $1,000 on a renovation or improvement, and it doesn’t increase the value more than $1,000…it was probably a waste of time and money. Which means they didn’t net as much as possible.

There are exceptions, of course. If something needs fixing, and it will get in the way of the home selling at all…well, then it will make sense to spend the money even if it doesn’t actually raise the value.

There’s no one answer. Every home and situation is different. It takes analysis and thought before I can say whether it’s worth doing something or not.

So I recommend, and offer, to come by and assess whatever project you may be considering, before you just go ahead and do it. (As always…no obligation, and completely free.) It’s my pleasure. And, the way I see it, it’s my duty.

Give me a call and we can schedule a time for me to swing by and take a look.